Mary, Seat of Wisdom
The invocation “Mary, Seat of Wisdom”, is part of the Litany of Loreto and originated in the eleventh century. St. Augustine was the first one to refer to the “Seat of Wisdom”.
St. Bernard used the expression three times and applied it to Mary with the words Domus Divinae Sapientiae (House of Divine Wisdom).
During the Middle Ages, the relationship between Mary and Wisdom was further developed. It was fully expressed in a text by Odo, (d.c. 1200), a Benedictine Abbot of Battle Abbey: “Philosophy is called the pursuit or love of wisdom. Mary is, therefore, the philosophy of Christians, for whoever desires to find true Wisdom must direct his/her love and endeavor to Mary.”
In “Sear of Wisdom” icons, paintings, and sculptures, Mary is seated on a throne with the Christ child on her lap.
The Church honors Mary, Seat of Wisdom, with a feast day on June 8.